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GLPS have long established a culture of making use of industry leading, state of the art engineering design tools across all our engineering disciplines. To remain competitive and to ensure our clients receive high quality solutions in which they can place a high level of confidence, GLPS have invested heavily into purchasing the following computer aided design and analysis software and training our engineers and technical staff to effectively use these tools: 

SOLIDWORKS - 3D parametric modeling
INVENTOR - 3D parametric modeling
AUTOCAD - 2D drafting

Suite of fully integrated Electrical Engineering software solutions including load flow, short circuit, transient stability, relay coordination, harmonic analysis, optimal power flow, and more.

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling
Finite element analysis (FEA) modeling

BULK FLOW - Material particle flow analysis for bulk materials handling system design
PROKON - Structural engineering analysis according so SABS structural design codes
FLOWMASTER - Pipe flow modeling
SOLIDWORKS PDM ENTERPRISE - Document management solution

As part of the engineering life cycle management process, our engineering design data and documentation is effectively managed through an industry leading project document management solution. This solution ensures a robust document management vault system, accessed through customizable security layers. This management system provides us with a detailed and highly transparent audit trail of all design data & documentation throughout the project life cycle.

GLPS builds 35MW DC furnace for Exarro Sands
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